Burning For Springwood #6 : Do Dreams Bleed and The End Of The World

Mike, Suzanne, Gary and special guest Mr. Venom are back in the boiler with dare I say two of the better episodes of this tawdry series. In Do Dreams Bleed, a football player is plagued by premonitions of a killer and questions his own morality and thoughts that he may be the very killer that is chopping his way through the town. In The End Of The World, a girl’s dreams are causing butterfly effect changes in her life which leads to an odd second half that strangely works. Burn with us, kiddies! https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5togqk https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5togql

Mike, Suzanne, Gary and special guest Mr. Venom are back in the boiler with dare I say two of the better episodes of this tawdry series. In Do Dreams Bleed, a football player is plagued by premonitions of a killer and questions his own morality and thoughts that he may be the very killer that is chopping his way through the town. In The End Of The World, a girl’s dreams are causing butterfly effect changes in her life which leads to an odd second half that strangely works. Burn with us, kiddies!

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Burning For Springwood #6 : Do Dreams Bleed and The End Of The World
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