Burning For Springwood #7 : Deadline and Black Tickets

Mike, Suzanne and Gary are back on Elm Street once again to have ago at two more episodes in this stinking but sometimes surprising series. In Deadline, a lonely obituary writer and later his lady friend have premonitions of death with hilarious but mediocre results. In Black Tickets, Brad Pitt stars a reluctant boyfriend who has ditched Springwood with his lady only to lead to a trip to a hideaway for these newlyweds. This leads to a surprisingly strange but satisfying second half. Burn with us!!!!! https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5togqm https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6unrb0

Mike, Suzanne and Gary are back on Elm Street once again to have ago at two more episodes in this stinking but sometimes surprising series. In Deadline, a lonely obituary writer and later his lady friend have premonitions of death with hilarious but mediocre results. In Black Tickets, Brad Pitt stars a reluctant boyfriend who has ditched Springwood with his lady only to lead to a trip to a hideaway for these newlyweds. This leads to a surprisingly strange but satisfying second half. Burn with us!!!!!

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Burning For Springwood #7 : Deadline and Black Tickets
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