Cinema Beef Podcast #145 : Raging Rutger

Suzanne, Iris and Gary are on board to discuss the great genre actor, Rutger Hauer who recently passed away. We do that by running two films with two stellar casts. In The Osterman Weekend, he plays a political analyst who’s forced to go against friends who he finds out are Soviet spies in this cat and mouse thriller directed by Sam Pekinpah. In Surviving the Game, he leads a crew of people who have the taste for hobo blood and Ice-T is on the menu. They soon learn they have underestimated their prey in this action packed jam directed by Ernest Dickerson.

Suzanne, Iris and Gary are on board to discuss the great genre actor, Rutger Hauer who recently passed away. We do that by running two films with two stellar casts. In The Osterman Weekend, he plays a political analyst who’s forced to go against friends who he finds out are Soviet spies in this cat and mouse thriller directed by Sam Pekinpah. In Surviving the Game, he leads a crew of people who have the taste for hobo blood and Ice-T is on the menu. They soon learn they have underestimated their prey in this action packed jam directed by Ernest Dickerson.

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Cinema Beef Podcast #145 : Raging Rutger
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