Cinema Beef Presents : Pining For Palamino aka Perfect Mate or Perfect Monster

Gary and X have a special morsel before the holiday show for you. We take a gander at a modern holiday classic Just Friends. This is the story of a once chubby guy who always loved the town cutie but was stuck in the friend zone. Now, he’s back, thin and waging a war on the holidays and working to get the girl that got away even if it means being a massive douche. Girls like that right?

Gary and X have a special morsel before the holiday show for you. We take a gander at a modern holiday classic Just Friends. This is the story of a once chubby guy who always loved the town cutie but was stuck in the friend zone. Now, he’s back, thin and waging a war on the holidays and working to get the girl that got away even if it means being a massive douche. Girls like that right?

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Cinema Beef Presents : Pining For Palamino aka Perfect Mate or Perfect Monster
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